Rodin's Photographer

Rodin's Photographer is a multidisciplinary art project in which I become the the Unknown Photographer, who worked with French sculptor Auguste Rodin in the late 1800s. Within a conceptual theme — presented as my reinterpretations of these “discovered” turn of the century artist’s photographs — I intertwine historical research and fiction.

The genesis of the idea was sparked at the Maryhill Museum of Art. I was inspired by Rodin's sculpture I saw there, and even more captivated by the historical photos of his entourage of artists used to tell his story. What would it have been like to meet Rodin and his artist friends? What wisdom would they share?

This exhibition follows the Unknown Photographer through her early work, as well as her work with Rodin in France. There are portraits she took of Rodin and his famous friends, such as the poet Rainer Maria Rilke and dancer Loie Fuller.

This famous sculptor is a catalyst for her transformation. Perhaps we can be transformed, too, by the beauty from the "Unknown." The photos are accompanied by real and imagined excerpts from letters and diaries, historical research, and poetry.

Before you go . . .

Watch dances inspired by Rodin's muses Isadora Duncan and Loie Fuller.